The Hermitage, a Cat Island Highlight

Hermitage, the highest point in the Bahamas is a small, stone, medieval-style monastery sitting on the peak of Mount Alvernia or commonly called the ‘Como’; the one place Bahamas that is sure to transport you to an Irish landscape. Built-in 1939, this one-man monastery was built by hand using thousands of stone by Father Jerome, a Roman Catholic Priest who was a skilled architect and sculptor. St. Francis of Assisi, an admirer of Father Jerome called the getaway Mount Alvernia, after a mountain in Tuscany that was given to Assisi as a place where he could peacefully contemplate.

The Hermitage is one of the most unique attractions of Cat Island. Standing 206 feet above the sea level, the place is a historic landmark that one can pilgrimage by oneself. The passage to reach the top is a steep stone staircase on a rocky inclination. On your way up the trail, you will notice the detailed hand-carved stone reliefs known as the Stations of the Cross.

Although it’s slightly laborious to make the climb its glorious views and tranquil atmosphere for some quiet contemplation makes it worth the effort.  As you reach the summit, catch some breath and soak in the serenity of the Hermitage itself. At the summit, there is an abbey with a small chapel, culminating into a really stunning 360-degree view of the Cat Island. The three closet-sized rooms with doorways and windows are extremely small and narrow, probably not even good enough for a single man to fit in. Also, if you want to brag about your visit, make sure you sign the book in the altar room letting others know that you made it to the top.

Lending a great environment for some meditation, a trip to Mount Alvernia is perfect for those in search of some alone time. Also, if you are taking an air flight to this untainted Cat Island Bahamas, make sure to explore its pink sand beaches, the laid-back environment, and its endless nature trails.

So make your online flight booking now to relax and unwind yourself at this flawless destination because every once a while a holiday where you can completely lay back, admire the nature, reflect on life, and completely be at ease – is very essential. Take our word for it, you will fall in love with this place because it is this and so much more!

Edward Smith

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